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Challenging the false beliefs of a lost and dying world and a church a large segment of which has wandered so far from the truth  that it has become not only impotent but equally lost.

 Christians - It is pointless to embark on a investigation unless one is prepared to set aside one's preconceived ideas, denominational presuppositions, experiences etc. and rely strictly on what the Word says. For the thousands who 'believe' one thing, there are thousands who deny it. SOMEONE is wrong. Unless we are willing to go back to square one and ask what the Bible actually says, we are never going to affirm God's truth on the matter. Gullibility and spirituality are not synonymous. 

Non-Christians - If you are unfamiliar with Christianity and the message of the hope it offers, I would suggest you first take a look at Choose Life That You May Live (part of Section 1 below) that presents the evidence that Bible is unarguably the word of God. The next logical step would be Section 4 - The Heart of The Matter.

Appreciation and Disclaimer: I am very grateful to the large number of Christian authors whose work I have included. However, this does not mean I necessarily agree with everything or even anything else that person or the organization they may belong to believes. And, in all fairness, I am sure it works the other way around as well... the inclusion of someone's work does not mean they necessarily agree with everything on this site.

Section 1 - Reasons To Believe

Faith and Facts: Faith isn’t believing the impossible or ignoring reality. It isn’t religious wishful thinking or believing that which is contrary to fact and evidence.

Critically Examine Everything? The Judeo-Christian faith is surprisingly ruthless in its insistence on proof (broadly considered), evidence, truth, examination, 'cordial skepticism'... and correspondingly disdainful of those who believe nonsense.

Do Extraordinary Events Require Extraordinary Evidence?

The Impossible Faith: 17 factors where Christianity "did the wrong thing" in order to be a successful religion.

Choose Life That You May Live
It is tragically true that few of those who believe 'all spiritual beliefs are valid paths to God" seem to have made an in depth study of various religions to see if their claims are based on fact or fairy dust. Most non-Christians assume that Christians believe contrary to all evidence and facts. Much to the contrary, the Christian faith is based on evidence that includes scientific, historical, and archaeological corroboration, to say nothing of the many fulfilled prophecies.

And why is this important? Simply because Jesus' core message wasn’t ‘love’ as so many believe. The “Kingdom of God” a phrase used over 50 times in the four Gospels was at the heart of Jesus' ministry. The Bible's description of this kingdom of God (also called heaven) matches the world most men and women would choose to live in. A place of peace and safety where there is no crime, hunger and disease, war and above all no death. In other words, Christianity that many think of as outdated, out of touch, and largely irrelevant to modern society, promises exactly the utopian world that mankind can only dream of. Now, you have to decide if you want to be there. Note: Details in The Message of The Bible (Chapter 13 of article Choose Life)  HERE

Section 2 - A Remarkable Book Called The Bible
The very writing of the Bible is a literary miracle - impossible to achieve by human effort alone. Besides which, before you laugh at stupid Christians remember that the Scriptures demonstrate scientific knowledge that predate by hundreds of years corresponding discoveries made by the modern scientific world. Academia's asinine assault on the Bible HERE

Prophecy: Consistently and precisely predicting the future in detail is the sole purview of the Supreme Being. The Bible predicts literally hundreds of future events. For example, in an extraordinary display of prophetic foreknowledge Daniel foretold the succession of empires from the reign of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king about 600 B.C. to the Roman Empire. HERE

Reading And Understanding Your Bible
God gave His word to ALL people, not only to Hebrew or Greek scholars or those with a theological degree. Paying a professional to spoon-feed us one or more times a week is simply taking the easy way out and has had devastating consequences. However, we need to remember that although obtaining Scriptural knowledge often seems like a daunting task, it happens by degrees. Section includes Overviews of the Old and New Testament, Guide To Reading The Bible, How The Bible Came to Us, Helpful Hints, What Not to Do etc. HERE

Section 3 - God And Jesus
God: The many articles include is the God of the Bible really God, has anyone ever seen Him, is He male or female? Can He change his mind or be influenced by humans? Does He love everyone and was He 'different' in the Old & New Testaments? What about His foreknowledge - His 'jealousy'? The trinity: Although most people cannot wrap their heads around the concept of the trinity the vast majority of Christians believe it to be an unassailable doctrine that comes straight from the pages of Scripture itself. But does it?

Jesus: Unlike many religions that depend upon ideas Christianity rests solely on Jesus. In fact, it does not even exist without Christ. Therefore, one has to ask whether He ever actually lived and, if so, who was He - A great moral teacher, deluded nut job, or Son of God? Was the Resurrection fact or fiction? HERE

01white Section 4 - The Heart Of The Matter
Sin: Sin and salvation being the warp and weft of the Bible the million dollar question is how the Bible defines sin.

Repentance - The Missing Message: What you believe about Biblical repentance is quite literally a matter of life or death. Do not be fooled by the watered down 'believe and be saved' Gospel message heard in so many churches today. The Scriptures repeatedly stress God’s warning that He will only have mercy on those whose repentance is real and who turn from their sin. Others? Not so much.

Salvation: When all is said and done, virtually all humans have two things in common. 1) Almost everyone is searching for a 'better life' and 2) No one wants to die and become worm food. This article is aimed at those who do not wish to arrive at death's door without being certain of where it leads. Incidentally, Additionally, in regard to salvation,  the word free doesn’t exist in the original Greek. Also gift may not exactly mean what we have been led to believe

Also: Dangerous misconceptions about salvation include two myths 1) We are fully and finally saved 2) We are saved by faith alone. Abbreviated, shallow and highly inaccurate salvation messages. The New Birth and A New Beginning.  HERE