
Section 2 - The Bible


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An Extraordinary Book Called The Bible
The Bible does not glow in the dark, levitate, or otherwise exhibit any physical qualities that could be seen as supernatural. How can we know beyond a shadow of doubt that it is divinely inspired and the only Word of God? Is it possible to determine the validity and the authenticity of the claims made by these Scriptures.

One of the many factors that support the Bible’s claim to be the word of God is that it replete with statements that demonstrate scientific knowledge that predates - often by many hundred of years - corresponding discoveries made by the modern scientific world. Given that Bible writers were not scientists, and given that the scientific information at their disposal was both sparse and generally misleading, the accuracy of the Bible can only be attributed to the inspiration of God."


The one test that we can and should apply to all ‘sacred writings’ - the test of prophecy or the foretelling of future events. This because neither men nor false gods can infallibly and accurately predict the future in detail - only a Supreme Being can do so and it is a simple matter to ascertain whether such prophecies have been fulfilled or not. The Bible is unique in that it makes literally hundreds of predictions of future events, some of which were general, while others were so specific that they gave places and dates.


Reading And Understanding Your Bible
Read The Bible For Yourself: Do not let anyone, even your religious leaders, tell you that you cannot understand the Bible without their interpreting it for you. You may be persuaded that you cannot understand the Scriptures because you are not a Hebrew or Greek scholar or do not hold any philosophical or theological degrees. First, it is not necessary to know everything; we learn by degrees. Second, if the Bible really is the Word of God, then it is only reasonable to believe that God will give understanding to anyone who unselfishly seeks the truth. This is His reason for giving the Holy Spirit: (What Do You Believe? Al Dager. Media Spotlight)


Section 1 - Reasons to Believe