
Section I - Reasons To Believe


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Choose Life That You Might Live

Chapter 1: Spiritual But Not Religious
"Spiritual but not religious" people are free to (and often do) cherry pick bits and pieces of various religious philosophies which appeal to them, appear to be advantageous, and which fit into their world view. My question is what this hodgepodge offers you in the long run... beyond this life.

Carol Brooks

02White Index To All 16 Chapters

Emphasis Mine In Bible Verses

A Note To The Reader
Religious Freedom

"Spiritual" But Not Religious... Defining the Terms

Spirituality and A "Higher Power"
Burger King (Eclectic) Spirituality?

How Do You Know?

A Note To The Reader
There are many thousands of 'spiritual but not religious' people who lead good and responsible lives which is why I would like to point out that this article has absolutely nothing to do with you being a decent caring individual. It is strictly about the evidence for the truth or falsity of Biblical Christianity vs. other religions.

I specify Biblical Christianity simply because in many, many, instances, the church has completely deviated from what the Bible teaches.

Religious Freedom
The very concept of 'freedom of religion' implies that every person is entitled to his or her own set of beliefs and can practice any religion they choose without fear of any form of discrimination or reprisal. Religious freedom is one of the core principles on which this country's government is founded thus American citizens are guaranteed the free exercise of religion by the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment is supposed to support freedom of private religious belief and expression and grant freedom from any state-imposed religion. As James Madison once wrote in his 1785 Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments...

    "The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate..."

And we have exercised our religious freedom... in spades. .


"Spiritual" But Not Religious... Defining the Terms
It is not at all uncommon to hear someone describe themselves as being 'spiritual'.  In fact 37% of all Americans identify themselves by the very trendy phrase "spiritual but not religious" [01]. I would, therefore, like to briefly examine some of the terms involved.

Spirit: The English word "spirit" carries a broad range of meaning. It is used in connection with religion, God and supernatural beings such as angels or demons. The word 'spiritual' is also used to denote the non physical part of a person or their essential nature that includes the mind, will, and feelings. It is the part of you that seeks meaning and purpose.

Religion can be described as ...

    Belief in, worship of, and obedience to, a supernatural power considered to be the divine creator and governor of the universe, with control of human destiny.

    Any personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

    Beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

on the other hand, is usually categorized much more nebulously. Social scientists have defined it as the search for "the sacred"... that which transcends this world and is worthy of veneration. Some call it the 'awakening to the divine within you', while others say it a 'seeking of oneness with Deity'. However, the common consensus is that spirituality is beyond mere words which cannot describe the inexpressible. Many assert that spirituality not only results in a wide range of positive health benefits but by developing inner peace, contributes towards happiness and life satisfaction. Thus, both physical and psychological well-being are important aspects of modern spirituality.

Spiritual But Not Religious is  the title of a book by Robert Fuller professor of Religious Studies at Bradley University, in which he says the terms were 'used more or less interchangeably" until about one hundred years ago.

    "However, over time, the word "religious" has come to be connected with membership in religious institutions and "participation in formal rituals, and adherence to official denominational doctrines". On the other hand, the word 'spiritual' "came to be associated with a private realm of thought and experience". [02]

In other words, there is now a definite distinction between spirituality and organized religion. However, since I didn't have the slightest idea as to what this "private realm of thought and experience" encompassed, I asked several non-Christians what 'being spiritual' meant to them. Sadly, what I got was much hemming and hawing. One person changed the topic, others said they couldn't possibly describe it.

Since that didn’t help I googled the question 'what does it mean to be a spiritual person?' that resulted in a number of more precise, but very varied definitions. Apparently being "spiritual" means quite different things to different people. One site said you might be spiritual without realizing it if you try to think happy thoughts, gaze at the stars, feel serenity in nature, allow yourself to be guided by intuition etc. [03] Others were 'me centered'. In other words 'spiritual people' just enjoyed  being themselves, which included liking and respecting themselves. In some cases, being spiritual seemed to be largely confined to feeling good... about yourself and the world around you.

However, lending some more depth to the issue, the UK based Mental Health Foundation said "Spirituality means different things to different people and people express their spirituality in varied ways", including...

    their religion or faith,  

    meaning and direction in their life, sometimes described as their 'journey' 

    a way of understanding the world and their place in the world 

    belief in a higher being or a force greater than any individual 

    a core part of their identity and essential humanity

    a feeling of belonging or connectedness 

    a quest for wholeness, hope or harmony

    a sense that there is more to life than material things. [04]

In Spiritual, But Not Religious, Robert Fuller offered a definition,

    Spirituality exists wherever we struggle with the issue of how our lives fit into the greater cosmic scheme of things. This is true even when our questions never give way to specific answers or give rise to specific practices such as prayer or meditation. We encounter spiritual issues every time we wonder where the universe comes from, why we are here, or what happens when we die. We also become spiritual when we become moved by values such as beauty, love, or creativity that seem to reveal a meaning or power beyond our visible world. An idea or practice is "spiritual" when it reveals our personal desire to establish a felt-relationship with the deepest meanings or powers governing life. [05]

Since, in modern times, 'spirituality' usually refers to the internal experience of the individual, it cannot be clearly articulated nor defined. In other words, in spite of all these definitions the term is as slippery and unformed as a blob of jello. Perhaps the only element that clearly emerges is that, like religion, spirituality is concerned with that which exists beyond the tangible and visible world.


Spirituality and A "Higher Power"
There seems to be at least one common thread. Unlike atheism, there is often the concept of (or at least an openness to) the idea of a supreme being or power behind the natural physical world. However, there seems to be little or no knowledge about what or who this being/power might be much less his (or its) nature, characteristics, or essential qualities. Robert Fuller states that..

    "... the words "spiritual" and "religious" are really synonyms. Both connote belief in a Higher Power of some kind. Both also imply a desire to connect, or enter into a more intense relationship, with this Higher Power. And, finally, both connote interest in rituals, practices, and daily moral behaviors that foster such a connection or relationship. [06]

He goes on to say that people who deem themselves as 'spiritual not religious' tend to reject traditional organized religion as "the sole-or even the most valuable-means of furthering their spiritual growth." [07] They are more likely to be agnostic, and have mystical experiences.

    Forsaking formal religious organizations, these people have instead embraced an individualized spirituality that includes picking and choosing from a wide range of alternative religious philosophies. They typically view spirituality as a journey intimately linked with the pursuit of personal growth or development.  [08]

In other words, people who call themselves spiritual but not religious often intuitively sense something bigger than themselves but either do not want to or are unable to describe or define what this transcendent power or being is. What they can articulate is their opposition to religion that they often perceive as being ritual bound and lifeless. People who participate in organized religion are often considered to be stifled and inhibited by rules, regulations, and superstition.


Burger King (Eclectic) Spirituality?
Unencumbered by any and all religious dogmas, regulations, obligations etc. spiritual but not religious people typically do not feel the need of a temple, church, rabbi, or priest in order to practice their spirituality. However, in their pursuit of finding direction to their lives, getting in touch with their inner selves, discovering the divinity within etc. it is exceedingly common for them to cherry pick bits and pieces of various religious philosophies which appeal to them, appear to be advantageous, and which fit into their world view.

Although these pages are no longer available online, in June 2010 CNN carried an article entitled Are there dangers in being 'spiritual but not religious'?. one question asked was whether people were choosing "Burger King Spirituality"?

    Heather Cariou, a New York City-based author who calls herself spiritual instead of religious, doesn't think so. She's adopted a spirituality that blends Buddhism, Judaism and other beliefs. "I don't need to define myself to any community by putting myself in a box labeled Baptist, or Catholic, or Muslim," she says. "When I die, I believe all my accounting will be done to God, and that when I enter the eternal realm, I will not walk though a door with a label on it." [09]

Sentiments such as these are very, very popular today, as is the term "Spiritual Eclectic" that blogger Lorna Tedder says builds on the foundation of a religion or set of beliefs...

    ".... adding new things that work for that particular person's path, new things that strengthens the bond between that person and Deity."  [10]


How Do You Know?
Which brings me to an all important question... How do they know?

How does Heather Cariou know that when she enters the eternal realm, she will not walk though a door with a label on it. In fact, how does she know she will even be allowed into the 'eternal realm'?  How does Lorna Tedder know that the spiritual practices a person picks and that appears to 'work' for them will actually strengthen the bond between them and Deity?

The fact is that unless they have spoken to Deity or know someone who has, they have no way of knowing what they claim to believe.  It is all very well for people to say that they believe this, that, or the other, but I think we all know that not all beliefs that people hold are necessarily the truth.  And yes, I have a pretty good idea that you are going to say something to the effect of "truth is whatever you perceive it to be", or perhaps "what's true for you is not necessarily true for another person".

Which brings me to the topic of religious pluralism - the belief that all religions have a common moral code, are based on living a moral, positive life, and all have some value in that they provide comfort and moral guidance to their adherents. In fact, many spiritual paths may just lead to the same destination. 


Continue on to Chapter 2: Religious Pluralism
It is tragically true that few of those who believe 'all spiritual beliefs are valid paths to God" seem to have made an in depth study of various religions to see if their claims are based on fact, or fairy dust. This simply because many, if not most, people seem to believe that religion is a matter of what you believe, and 'faith' has nothing to do with reality. Whether we realize it or not, we literally make dozens of decisions every day, based on evidence, not feelings. In fact, we would find ourselves in deep trouble on quite a regular basis, if important decisions were based on how we emotionally relate to something, instead of collecting known facts/weighing all the evidence.

Whether you have thought about it or not, whether you are willing to face it or not, the simple fact is... if two religions make truth-claims which contradict each other, they cannot both be right. As one example among many, when one religion says there is no God, another claims there is only one God, and others say there are many gods ... someone doesn't have their facts straight. Only someone who has their facts straight can be trusted to show you the path to God. CLICK HERE


Endnotes (Chapter 1)
[01] "Nones" on the Rise. Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project. October 2012. Copyright 2014 Pew Research Center. http://www.pewforum.org/2012/10/09/nones-on-the-rise/

[02] Robert C. Fuller. Spiritual, But Not Religious. Copyright 2001 Oxford University Press.

[03] Amanda Froelich. 12 Signs you may be Spiritual and Don’t Even Know it

[04] What is spirituality? UK Mental Health Foundation.
http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/help-information/mental-health-a-z/S/spirituality/  (Page no longer exists online)

[05] Robert C. Fuller. Spiritual, But Not Religious. Copyright 2001 Oxford University Press.

[06] Robert C. Fuller. Spiritual, But Not Religious. Copyright 2001 Oxford University Press.

[07] Robert C. Fuller. Spiritual, But Not Religious. Copyright 2001 Oxford University Press.

[08] ibid.

[09] John Blake, CNN.. Are there dangers in being 'spiritual but not religious'? June 9, 2010.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/personal/06/03/spiritual.but.not.religious/ (Page no longer exists online)

[10] Lorna Tedder. What Is Eclectic Spirituality? http://www.thespiritualeclectic.com/what-is-eclectic-spirituality/ (Page no longer exists online)


Index To Choose Life

Photograph (crossroads) by Carsten Tolkmit from Kiel, Germany [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], Wikimedia Commons