Existence of God
Does God Exist? A logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective. To do this, we are assuming that we exist, that there is reality, and that the matter of which we are made is real. If you do not believe that you exist, you have bigger problems than this study will entail and you will have to look elsewhere.
Atheism To claim you know there is no God is to claim you have exhaustively searched every part of every universe and dimension with an infallibly accurate method of detecting every non-physical entity that could possibly exist.
Who Created God Given that nothing in the universe is the cause of its own existence, the universe cannot be explained by an infinite regress of causation. If there were infinite regress then the series would not have gotten started in the first place.
Is The God of the Bible Really God? What is truly interesting is that most people seem to be prejudiced against the Bible, but well disposed towards other 'scriptures'. In fact, if you quote the Bible, it is ore than possible that you will hear something like "everyone knows the Bible is full of errors and contradictions". However if you were to appeal to... say... the writings of Buddha, you would probably be viewed as a wise or even enlightened, person. This is a rather illogical situation, because there is far more evidence in favor of the Bible being true, than there is for any of the other 'holy books' like the Qur’an, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Book of Mormon etc. This evidence includes it's humanly impossible authorship, it's candor about the faults and failings of it's main characters, fulfilled prophecy, and it's archaeological and scientific accuracy... none of which are seen in the books of other religions.
Has Anyone Ever Seen God? Many seem to believe that the Bible contradicts itself regarding whether anyone has ever seen God. In more than one place the gospel of John says that, apart from Jesus, no man has ever seen God. Others seem to unambiguously state that, on occasion, people (especially in the Old Testament) saw Him. An oft offered explanation is that these people were having visions or dreams or what they actually saw was an angel of the Lord or Christ. Does this explanation hold up to closer scrutiny?

The Trinity
Is God A Trinity? The doctrine of the trinity is one of mainstream Christianity's most universally accepted and hallowed doctrines held sacrosanct by Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox believers alike. From about the 4th century AD, the standard position of the church is that the trinity is only one God who exists as three distinct but equal Persons. Although most people cannot wrap their heads around (much less explain) the concept of the trinity, the vast majority of Christians believe it to be an unassailable and inviolable doctrine that comes straight from the pages of Scripture itself. Unfortunately this is not true. Although the Bible definitively points to a plurality in the Godhead, there is absolutely no evidence that the Holy Spirit is the 'third person of the trinity' - a co-equal member of the Godhead.
When non-Christians hold to the beliefs they may have held from their childhood, we urge them to examine the evidence for themselves. Yet Christians rarely seem to take their own advice, seemingly unwilling to even consider that any of the doctrines they have unquestioningly accepted may not conform to what the Bible teaches.
Please note that challenging the doctrine of the Trinity does not mean challenging the Divinity of Christ and it does not mean challenging the Divinity of the Holy Spirit. The New Testament abounds with proof of the deity of Jesus Christ, and Acts 5:3-4 is more than enough to clinch the issue of the Divinity of the Holy Spirit.

Is God Male or Female? In examining Scripture two facts become clear: First, that God is a Spirit, and does not possess human characteristics or limitations; second, that all the evidence contained in Scripture agrees that God revealed Himself to mankind in a male form
The Foreknowledge of God The majority of orthodox Christians subscribe to the view is that God is omniscient, i.e. He has complete and unlimited knowledge of everything that has ever happened, is happening now, and will ever happen. However, in recent years a few scholars, who claim there is no divine script for the future, have proposed a radically different view called Open Theism, called so because they believe that God's knowledge of the future is 'open'. This view not only flatly contradicts what the Bible says about the foreknowledge of God but common sense as well.
The ‘Jealousy’ of God The verses that refer to God as a "jealous God" are often misunderstood. When we use the word ‘jealous’, we use it in the sense of being envious of someone who has something we don't have or perhaps even resenting them for having it. However, this is not the intended meaning of the word jealous when used in reference to God,
Can God Change His Mind/ Be Influenced by Humans? Classic theism asserts that God cannot be affected by outside influences, does not change His mind, and does not regret decisions He makes. However, none of the 'proof texts' usually quoted say that God never changes His mind, but that God wasn't going to change His mind in that specific situation. Exodus 32:14 clearly says God changed His mind, unfortunately English translations leave us with a host of problems.
Was God ‘Different’ in the Old Testament? The Bible quite clearly states that God's nature is unchanging. However, many people perceive the God of the Old Testament as being impatient, vengeful, cruel, merciless, and very cranky, which they believe is in complete contrast to the 'loving' heavenly Father of the New Testament. The conclusion is then drawn that Christianity is not to be trusted because contrary to what the Bible says, God's nature does change. Not only is this presumed difference in God's nature used to try and discredit Christianity but has, unfortunately, proved to be rather large stumbling block to many. The million dollar question being then is whether it is true that God got kinder and more easy going over the course of time.
What a Sovereign God Cannot Do There is much a God of unlimited power cannot do for two reasons.
1.) He cannot go against His own nature
2.) He cannot violate the law of non-contradiction.

Relationship With Man
God's Love/Hate Relationship with the World Along with God loves everyone, it is almost universally believed that God hates the sin and not the sinner. In fact, I suspect that many believe it to be a divine precept in the pages of the Bible. It is not. Much to the contrary, Scripture makes it clear that not only does God hate the sin but in many cases says He hates the sinner as well. And why would this be surprising? Most often people reflect who they are, i.e. their deeds usually providing a clear insight into their character. Thus if God disapproves of sin, there is no question that He must disapprove of the person committing the sin. A strong disapproval can be described as hate.
The Wrath of God The Bible labours the point in both Old and New Testament that God is good to those who trust Him and is terrible to those who do not. Both Testaments emphasize the reality and terror of God's wrath. Today's powerless, sickly sweet, sentimental 'easy Christianity' has chosen to babble on and on about the goodness and love of God, but totally ignore (to our peril) His wrath and judgment. It is almost as if there is a disconnect between the Bible stories well known to all Christians, and their own version of the God they profess to serve.

Theology and Doctrine Too many believers seem to be under the impression that "theology" and "doctrine" are of minimal importance. All too often the terms are not only hopelessly misunderstand but brushed aside as having little relevance to their religious life and practice. Very many modern Christians just want to know God personally, to experience Him without complicating things with all that theological gobbledygook. Either they have been taught to believe that their faith must be based in the heart, or perhaps they want no challenges to their shallow 'easy Christianity' that requires no intellectual effort, and allows allowing people to coast along, never being stretched or using their God given brains. These five dollar words are best left to those who have a string of letters after their names.
The fact is that both theology and doctrine are crucial to authentic Christian faith. In English the word 'know' means to understand as true; to possess knowledge, understanding, or information.; to perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty; to be acquainted or familiar with etc.
Knowing God
In English the word 'know' means to understand as true; to possess knowledge, understanding, or information.; to perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty; to be acquainted or familiar with etc.
And it is no different with Greek word ginosko noting that the term 'know' is also a Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse.
However, when it comes to God, the New Testament is very clear - Ginosko does not indicate intellectual knowledge but tells us that to 'know' God (be in a right relationship with Him) means keeping His commandments.
By this we know (Gr. ginosko) that we have come to know (Gr. ginosko ) Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, "I have come to know (Gr. ginosko ) Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know (Gr. ginosko ) that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. (1 John 2:3-6 NASB emphasis added)
At the last judgment, Jesus tells all pretenders to piety who claim to have done many works in his name, that He never knew them
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew (ginosko )you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.' "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. (Matthew 7:21-24 NASB)
Obviously, Jesus does not form relationships with people who practice lawlessness - whose piety is merely skin deep.