ON THIS PAGE Emphasis Mine In Bible Verses
Conversion in The New Testament
Being "Born Again" In The New Testament
What Does Being Born Again Actually Mean?
Born Again - Figurative Or Physical?
*** The Momentous Changes That Take Place When We Are Born Again
The Crucial Elements That Have To Be Present
The Experience Itself
Popular Substitutes For Spiritual Rebirth
Footnote I - The New Birth - What Some People Experience
Conversion in The New Testament The Bible uses two terms converted and born again to indicate a change that is required before a person can be counted as one of God's family and admitted into His kingdom. And there is a good reason for this. Human nature has to be changed to make it fit for the kingdom. Without that transformation there will never be serenity, security, or harmony in God's coming kingdom, this amply proved by man's history. See The Message of The Bible and The Warning of The Bible
Using the Greek verb strepho (to turn, turn around) Jesus made the following statement in Matthew 18:3,
And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted (Gk. strepho) and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:2-3 NASB)
The dictionary meaning of 'convert' is a change to another attitude or belief - a word we commonly use when someone adopts a different religion. However, it is very possible for a 'converted' person to do no more than observe the required physical rituals of the new religion. In other words, one can attend a church service, pray in a mosque etc. without any changes to one's lifestyle, patterns of behavior, way of thinking etc.
Jesus' meaning was far deeper.
In all of the 21 plus occurrences of strephó (including other tenses of the verb) in the New Testament, this is the only time it was rendered converted. In all other instances it was translated "turn" [01] The word literally means to turn one's self about - or to turn back. For example, the Thessalonians "turned to God from idols". [1 Thessalonians 1:9]
To 'turn to' or 'return to' God was a major theme of the Old Testament -The prophets called the Israelites to repentance which was a call to return to God and keep His commandments. They also warned of the dire consequences of not doing so. In the New Testament the Greek word epistrepho was the word God used when He commissioned Paul as ambassador to the Gentiles so that they might turn from light to darkness and receive forgiveness of sins. See Acts 26:16-18.
The critical importance of this turning is perhaps best understood in light of James' words when he reminded his readers that anyone who turns the wanderer or sinner from the error of his ways and reestablishes him in the truth, has saved their life
My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns (Gk. epistrepho) him back, let him know that he who turns (Gk. epistrepho) a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. (James 5:19-20 NASB)
Other New Testament examples of Epistrepho
Therefore repent and return (Gk. epistrepho) , so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; (Acts 3:19 NASB)
to open their eyes so that they may turn (Gk. epistrepho) from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.' (Acts 26:18 NASB)
For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you, and how you turned (Gk. epistrepho) to God from idols to serve a living and true God, (1 Thessalonians 1:9 NASB)
As said several times in this section - without repentance there is no forgiveness of sins and no eternal life.
See Repentance - The Missing Message and Salvation
The words "Repent" (Gk. metanoeo) or "Repentance" (Gk. metanoia) occur close to fifty times in the New Testament. In English repent means to feel or express sincere remorse or contrition for one's past wrongdoing. However, metanoeo indicates a fundamental change in thinking that leads to a fundamental change in behavior/way of living that is only accomplished by being "Born Again"
Being "Born Again" In The New Testament The Gospel of John tells of a conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus who, as a member of the Sanhedrin (the supreme council and tribunal of the Jews), was a man of high standing in Jewish society thus quite likely to have been wary of being openly seen with Jesus. Almost the first thing the Savior said to him was that unless a person was 'born again' he would not see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Nicodemus
... came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus *said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. "Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' (John 3:2-7 NASB) (Emphasis Added)
Note carefully that Jesus didn't suggest a new birth. He didn't tell Nicodemus that his life would be drastically improved if he was reborn. He unambiguously stated that unless a person was 'born again' he would not see the kingdom of God.
Other New Testament verses also speak about the 'new birth'
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12-13 NASB)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, (1 Peter 1:3 NASB)
What Does Being Born Again Actually Mean? Although the Bible's statement that we have to be Born Again of the Spirit is non negotiable it tells us absolutely nothing of the mechanics involved. What we do know is that after experiencing this 'New Birth' people have a completely changed attitude, way of thinking etc. Note that if no change at all occurs in a person's life there is a very good chance the person never truly 'turned' to God nor was 'Born Again'.
I can imagine that the term "born again" can be very confusing to many people in more ways than one. Many might simply wonder how in the world someone can be born a second time. Others associate the phrase with a new lease on life. The phrase is often associated with an ardent, earnest, and devoted form of Christianity specifically calling to mind very "emotional" people who worship with raised hands and who attend morally strict churches [02]
However, this is not what the Bible means. In the New Testament being "born again" refers to something God does when we turn to him with repentance and faith.
1. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him. (1 John 2:29 NASB)
2. Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him. (1 John 5:1 NASB)
3. No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3:9 NASB)
4. We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him. (1 John 5:18 NASB)
Please note: In examples 3 and 4 John was not telling his readers that they would never ever sin. The Greek grammar in both verses makes it clear that John is speaking of someone who makes a practice of sinning - a habitual sinner.
Born Again - Figurative Or Physical? Being 'Born Again' of God is commonly believed to be in a figurative rather than a literal sense.
But what if it is not?
What if it involves a very literal physical change that leads to a total transformation of the person?
The recently emerging field of epigenetics may actually give us a clue as to what Paul was actually referring to in Romans 5 in which he seemed to be saying that something happened to all humanity because of what took place in the garden of Eden.
Many Christians sadly misunderstand these verses to mean that Adam became totally corrupt and alienated from God because of his sin (called original sin), then passed on this fallen nature to all his descendants. I have to wonder how many of those that profess to believe in original sin have given any thought to the fact that sin is not a substance with physical properties that can be transmitted from person to person. Sin is a conscious, willful act performed by an individual (in word, deed, or thought) that opposes God's will. it is an immoral choice made by the sinner that transgresses god's law.
Sin can not even exist unless someone makes that immoral choice.
In any case if sin were a substance that can be physically passed on, then virtue, goodness, and righteousness must also be substances that can be transmitted physically. Those that hold that being nonmaterial Original Sin is passed along spiritually. In which case, virtue, goodness, and righteousness are also nonmaterial and should also be inherited. Yet theologians persist in the belief (more fit for a science fiction script than the scriptures) that sin has literally been passed from Adam to all his descendants, yet no one has explained
a) why it is that we can only inherit sin from Adam but not from the rest of our ancestors
b) why it is that we can inherit sin but not inherit righteousness.
c) how it is that Adam's sin can come through our parents even if they are true Christians and therefore, in the words of the apostles John and Paul, have been cleansed from all sin.) See Original Sin.. Fact Or Fable?
What if this being Born Again of God or, as shown in the next paragraph, being 'fathered' by God involves some actual physical changes that completely transform the person? It actually makes MUCH more sense to believe Adam passed some physical changes along to subsequent generations - something that science has actually proved can and does happen.
In order to understand this and the following it is important to read Original Sin or Epigenetics
There is a very telling verse in 1 John which says...
No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3:9 NASB)
In the above verse the word translated seed is the Greek sperma (seed) which quite obviously is where we get the English word "sperm". So when the Bible says someone is "born of God" it means that person is 'fathered' by God through the work of the Holy Spirit (John 3:5). It is a both a spiritual birth and a physical change that, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, causes the person involved to become a "new creature" and all old things to pass away.
The Greek literally says a person in Christ is a "new creation" - the old has passed away - the new has come into being. [03]
As shown in the article Original Sin Or Epigenetics it is entirely possible that Adam and Eve's epigenome underwent some drastic changes due to the guilt that followed the first sin and the fact that their lives became infinitely more difficult away from the Garden of Eden.
We can certainly inherit faulty gene function from our parents, but it is only God who can reset the expression (behavior) of those genes after we make a conscious decision to turn back to Him. So why wouldn't true Biblical repentance and a conscious decision to follow Christ result in God 're-setting' the altered Epigenome which, in essence, would be a new birth from above.
In other words, it is much, much more than a temporary emotional or mystical high ...
The Momentous Changes That Take Place When We Are Born Again When people are born again of the Spirit two other changes that are of utmost importance take place. The New Birth ...
1.) Restores Us To The "Son of God" Status To be particularly noted is that the Biblical term "Sons of Elohim" (son of the Creator Himself) is only used of someone who is born of a specific divine act of creation.
The angels who were directly created by the Father are referred to as B’nai HaElohim or sons of God (Job 1:6)
Jesus is referred to as the Son of God throughout the New Testament simply because, although He was with the Father from the beginning, He was also God's Son in that He was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit.
However, except for Adam who was created directly by God, no human in the Old Testament was ever called a Son of God. It was only after believers in the New Testament were born again of the Spirit of God and considered to be a new creation that they are again referred to as sons of God. As Romans 8:15 says We "have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"
(Please Note that the tense used in Romans 8:15 is VERY significant. It says we "have received a spirit of adoption" whereas Romans 8:23 says we are "waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. Those who are actually interested in what the Bible says on the subject - and who are willing to pay close attention to the words the apostles chose to use will run across some extremely confusing statements that flatly contradict each other.
For example, the New Testament sometimes says that salvation is an accomplished reality (past), is an ongoing process (present continuous), and even that it has yet to happen (future). Also note that this seeming contradiction is not limited to salvation alone but occurs with bewildering regularity in statements about other crucially important topics - justification, redemption, glorification and as shown - adoption. See The Two Phase Atonement
2.) Restores Us To The "Image of God" Genesis 1:26-27 is very intriguing inasmuch as it says God created man in His image (The plural "Us" and "Our" is whole other topic)
Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:26-27 NASB)
The words "In His image" has given rise to much debate on what it could mean. The opinions include man's capacity to rule (based on Genesis 1:26), his capacity for relationship, morality and righteousness etc. even possibly combine any or all of these elements.
However, we need to look a little deeper because the Bible does not specifically tell us what this enigmatic phrase actually means. The man God made in His image was called a 'son of God" (Luke 3:38), but no man was ever called a "son of God" again until Jesus. On two occasions (2 Corinthians 4:4 and Colossians 1:15) Paul explicitly refers to Christ as the eikôn tou Theo - the image of God.
However, Paul referred to born again believers as being conformed to the image of Jesus.
For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; (Romans 8:29 NASB)
For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. (1 Corinthians 11:7 NASB)
The Crucial Elements That Have To Be Present Paul's conversion very dramatically changed him from Saul of Tarsus who persecuted early Christians to Paul an amazingly effective teacher and evangelist who not only planted and nurtured many an early church but wrote two thirds of the New Testament. Although conversions have been considerably less spectacular since then, there are several crucial elements that have to be present in every genuine conversion.
1.) Awareness of the reality of sin, its consequences, and our need for forgiveness. And no, we are not all terrible people but nonetheless have to realize that every single one of us has fallen far short of God's standards. See Sin and Repentance
2.) An understanding of who Jesus is, what His death on the cross meant, and the reality of His second coming when He will judge the world.
3.) A willingness to enthrone Jesus as Lord of your life. Few seem to realize that Jesus is called "Lord" over six hundred times in the New Testament and Savior a mere 24 times. In fact, 60% of the New Testament books never even once mention Jesus as Savior. See Salvation Part II
Finally there is one test for that can help determine whether a person's conversion is authentic or not. Anyone who is born of the Spirit will demonstrate a changed life. Salvation and eternal life do not come without anything being expected of us. To imagine that we can live our lives like the rest of the world, but still be welcome in God's presence, is little more than wishful thinking. The kingdom doesn't come cheap and regardless of what you may have been told the Bible never once says ANYTHING about a "free gift". In fact, the word "free" has not been used anywhere in the New Testament in connection with salvation or God's gift to us.
See Salvation - Part III - A "Free" Gift? AND PART IV -The Kingdom doesn't come cheap
Also See What is Holiness?
The Experience Itself When it comes to the new birth there is no one size fits all. Everyone's experience is different possibly connected to their individual temperament and/or current circumstances, emotional state, need etc.
Sudden or Gradual? In the book of Acts conversions seemed to happen almost immediately. They heard what Jesus offered, accepted it, and were baptized. However, to be noted is that the Holy Spirit fell on the Roman centurion Cornelius and his family before they were baptized.
Sudden and immediate conversions do happen in our present age as well. Many people can pinpoint the day, the occasion, and even the time they were born again. However, for other people the awareness of their new relationship with God comes upon them very slowly taking days, weeks, or even longer. It can be likened to a very slow dawning of a new day.
Emotions? For some being born again can be very emotional complete with tears of joy or even relief - an immediate sense of being released from guilt. For other it is a feeling of peace or joy or a sense of being loved. Yet others have a sense of finding meaning and purpose to life. And then there are those, like myself, for whom it is completely unemotional. See Various People's Experiences in Footnote I
Popular Substitutes for Spiritual Rebirth Church Membership and Good Works are two things which people commonly trust in to make them acceptable to God, but which are no substitute for becoming genuine born again disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Church Membership The fellowship of like minded believers can be immensely important providing an avenue for learning, encouragement, growing in our faith, not losing hope, etc.
Unfortunately, it is not always an simple matter to find a genuine Bible believing church that has not, to one extent or another, strayed from the faith that was once and for all handed down to us. Too many have fallen by the wayside teaching doctrines directly derived from the occult (The Prosperity/Word of Faith Doctrines, Slain in the spirit, Contemplative Prayer, Labyrinths, etc). See Doctrines of Demons .
And, even if we do find one that doesn't hold with outlandish beliefs and practices, more 'traditional' churches have all too often substituted human activity (great programs, thousands of books, wonderful music, 'conferences' galore, vigorous preaching) for God's power. Although the glory and presence of God is glaringly absent and the silence from Heaven is deafening people don't seek God because they are wholly convinced that they have already arrived. They are comfortable, complacent and lacking passion. Jesus had a name for it - "lukewarm".
Unfortunately, the problem is as John Piper says,
the evangelical church as a whole in America is apparently not very unlike the world. It goes to church on Sunday and has a veneer of religion, but its religion is basically an add-on to the same way of life the world lives, not a radically transforming power. [04]
It is very easy to simply fall into membership in such a church without being a true and committed disciple of Christ. John Pipe adds that it is a profound mistake to apply the term born again to describe professing Christians ...
"... whose lives are indistinguishable from the world, and who sin as much as the world, and sacrifice for others as little as the world, and embrace injustice as readily as the world, and covet things as greedily as the world, and enjoy God-ignoring entertainment as enthusiastically as the world" [05]
God wants neither your time nor your money - He wants YOU. ALL OF YOU
See Why The Fire Hasn't Fallen Christianity is not alive and well in spite of loud declarations to the contrary.
Good Works It is easy to suppose that doing good deeds can improve one's credit rating with God. However, the Scriptures are plain - by themselves good works cannot gain salvation and are no substitute for a whole hearted belief in Christ and obedience to His commands.
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB). Also See Titus 3:5-7.
On the other hand we should pay close attention to the number of times the Scriptures tell us that we will be judged, not by how much faith we have, but by what that faith produces. In other words, every person will be judged by the fruit they bear - their actions/deeds that came about as a result of their faith. As James said "But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? (James 2:20 NASB)
See Myth of Faith Alone
Baptism Also note Baptism is a ceremonial ablution that a symbolizes a believer's union with Christ in His death and resurrection. It implies turning to Christ and away from the old life, consecrating oneself - body and soul - to God. Although baptism is not necessary for salvation (A topic in itself - See Baptism ) without any shadow of doubt, conversion and baptism are irrefutably linked. it does not say much for your conversion if your very first act is disobedience - that is of course, provided you have understood that baptism was commanded by our Lord.
However, it is not a substitute for the new birth - rituals alone cannot save us.
Footnote I - The New Birth - What Some People Experience The following accounts are from Rev. Dick Tripp's article Born Again
John Stott
In his book Essentials, historian David Edwards tells how Stott recalled the silent prayer he prayed as he knelt at his bedside in a Rugby School dormitory one Sunday night in February 1938. In a simple, matter-of-fact but definite way he told Christ that he had made rather a mess of his life so far; he confessed his sins; he thanked Christ for dying for him; and he asked him to come into his life. The sincerity of that prayer was evidenced by the note that Stott wrote in his diary next day, "He has come into my house and now rules in it."
C. S. Lewis, described his final step as follows:
I know very well when, but hardly how, the final step was taken. I was driven to Whipsnade one sunny morning. When we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and when we reached the zoo I did. Yet I had not exactly spent the journey in thought. Nor in great emotion. "Emotional" is perhaps the last word we can apply to some of the most important events. It was more like when a man, after a long sleep, still lying motionless in bed, becomes aware that he is now awake.
Colleen Townsend Evans was an actress on the verge of finding success when offered the "big buildup" by a head producer in Hollywood, tells how she found instead real purpose in Jesus. She found him in a quiet undramatic way at a Christian Conference:
"I went for a walk and said, "God, if all this is true, if this is the answer and if you are the way, I just want to give my life to you...everything." There were no voices, no visions, but that was the beginning. I walked along the road that morning with a totally new life. Everything looked different, things smelled different, life was different, because I had found the meaning of life in the person of Jesus Christ".
IPS Note: In 1950, Colleen abruptly abandoned Hollywood and devoting herself to religion. She and began speaking at churches and Youth for Christ evangelistic events and served on the boards of several ministries, including the Christian College Coalition and World Vision and International Justice Mission.
Keith Millar, author of a number of significant books on Christian living, tells of his conversion as he sat in his car in the pinewoods country of East Texas in complete despair. He had been through training for Christian ministry in seminary, but had never known God personally. He says:
As I sat there I began to weep like a little boy, which I suddenly realized I was inside. I looked up towards the sky. There was nothing I wanted to do with my life, and I said, "God, if there is anything you want in this stinking soul, take it."...There wasn't any ringing of bells or flashing of lights or vision; but it was a deep intuitive realization of what it is God wants from a man which I had never known before, and the peace which came with this understanding was not an experience in itself. It was rather a cessation of the conflict of a lifetime. I realized then that God does not want a man's money, nor does he primarily want his time, even the whole lifetime of it a young Seminarian is ready to give him. God, I realized, doesn't want your time, he wants your will; and if you give him your will, he will begin to show you life as you have never seen it before.
US Senator, Mark Hatfield who was the United States senator from Oregon for 30 years and one of the most openly religious men in American politics at that time.
"I saw that for thirty-one years I had lived for self and decided I wanted to live the rest of my life only for Jesus Christ. I asked God to forgive my self-centered life and to make my life his own. Following Christ has been an experience of increasing challenge, adventure and happiness. Living a committed Christian life is truly satisfying because it has given me true purpose and direction by serving not myself but Jesus Christ.
Russian author and intellectual, Marcinkowski, spoke of "the deep indescribable quietness of eternity" and wrote, "an inexpressible joy brightened my soul."
Dick Tripp adds (Emphasis Added)
However, whether this process is sudden or gradual is not the important issue. One woman, who shared faith in Christ with her husband, said, "I always tell people that I came to Christ with a big bang and Jim came with a slow burn." The real question is: Has it happened? At some point in each person's search for God, he gives them the Holy Spirit and they are reborn. This, by nature of the event, cannot be anything but sudden. Either we have received the Holy Spirit or we haven't. The Bible is clear about this. We don't have to know when it happens... However, it is important to know that it has happened. [06] {PLACE IN TEXT}
End Notes [01] https://biblehub.com/greek/4762.htm
[02] Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter. Bible's definition of 'born again' is different from American culture's definition, says Tim Keller. https://www.christianpost.com/news/bibles-definition-of-born-again-is-different-from-american-cultures-definition-says-tim-keller.html
[03] https://biblehub.com/interlinear/2_corinthians/5-17.htm
[04] John Piper. You Must Be Born Again. https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/you-must-be-born-again
[05] ibid.
[06] Dick Tripp What Does It Mean To Be Converted Or Born Again. http://christianity.co.nz/2016/02/born-again/