ON THIS PAGE Who is The Dalai Lama? Travel, Popularity, Influence and Awards Two Issues Issue One - Bizarre Connections - The Nazis and Nazi Sympathizers Heinrich Harrer Bruno Berger Miguel Serrano Jorg Haider Shoko Asahara Issue Two - Beliefs and Teachings - The Kalachakra Prophecies Vs. The Man of Peace The Dalai Lama's Universal Messages of Peace. What and Where is Shambhala? The Kalachakra Practice, Initiations And Prophecies Questions For The Dalai Lama The Maitreya and Sanat Kumara The Dalai Lama and Nechung - The State Oracle of Tibet Summary and Conclusion Also See Benjamin Creme and The Maitreya Who is The Dalai Lama? Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th and current Dalai Lama (Buddhist monk) was born in 1935. At the age of two was proclaimed the tulku (the recognized reincarnation of a previous Buddhist master) of the thirteenth Dalai Lama. In other words, he is believed to be the 14th incarnation of the first Dalai Lama, who lived six centuries ago. According to The New World Encyclopedia A tulku is a Tibetan Buddhist Lama ("Spiritual teacher") who has taken the Bodhisattva vow of helping all other sentient beings to escape Samsara (the wheel of suffering) and has consciously determined to be reborn to continue his particular lineage. [01]
Bodhisattvas (also known as Ascended Masters) have attained the highest level of enlightenment, but have delayed their entry into Paradise in order to help the earthbound. Between the 17th century and 1959, the Dalai Lama was not only the head of the Tibetan Government administering a large portion of the country from the capital Lhasa, but a spiritual leader revered among Tibetans. However, Beijing has long maintained that Tibet is an historical and inviolable part of China and the Chinese army invaded Tibet in 1950. One month later on the 17th November 1950 at the age of fifteen, Tenzin Gyatso was formally enthroned as Dalai Lama but was forced to flee to India just a few years later after a failed uprising and the collapse of the Tibetan resistance movement. He was welcomed by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who gave him permission to form the 'Tibetan government in exile' in Dharamsala (literally "rest house") - a small town in the foothills of the Himalayas in northern India. Travel, Popularity, Influence and Awards A noted public speaker Tenzin Gyatso considers himself half-Marxist, half-Buddhist [02]. Often described as charismatic he is the first Dalai Lama to travel to the West touring some of 46 nations since 1967 to spread Buddhist teachings and to promote ethics and inter-faith harmony.
When the Nobel Committee chose the Dalai Lama for the 1989 Peace Prize, it "emphasized that he based his Buddhist peace philosophy on reverence for all living things and the idea of a universal responsibility that embraces both man and nature." [03] The Nobel Peace Prize web site also says he has met with religious leaders from "... the United States, Canada, Western Europe, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, Mongolia, Greece, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal, Costa Rica, Mexico, the Vatican, China and Australia... "
Apparently very few doors, if any, are closed to this man.. He met the late Pope Paul VI in 1973, Pope John Paul II in 1980, 1982, 1986 and 1988. Dr Robert Runcie, the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1981in 1981, 1984 & 1988 and other leaders of the Anglican Church in London. A delegation of Jewish teachers (in Dharamsala In 1990) for an extensive interfaith dialogue. He has since visited Israel three times and met in 2006 with the Chief Rabbi of Israel. Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2004 and Gordon B. Hinckley, late President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). To say nothing of a visit with Prince Charles at Clarence House in London, England, on June 20, 2012. And Plenty of others. Peace Awards and honorary Doctorate Degrees Since his first visit to the west in the early 1970s, His Holiness' reputation as a scholar and man of peace has grown steadily. In recent years, a number of western universities and institutions have conferred Peace Awards and honorary Doctorate Degrees upon His Holiness in recognition of his distinguished writings in Buddhist philosophy and of his distinguished leadership in the service of freedom and peace. [04] In 1994, He received the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Freedom Medal by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute. [05] Also in 1994 the Dalai Lama was awarded the Peace Award by the New York Lawyer Alliance for World Security. 06] Jerusalem's Hebrew University made him an "Honorary Fellow" on March 20, 1994". [07] Honorary Canadian citizenship in 2006 [Dalai Lama Presented with Honorary Canadian Citizenship.[08] in 2007, the United States Congressional Gold Medal, which is the highest civilian award that the U.S. Congress can give. [09] In April 2008 the Paris City Council decided to make the Dalai Lama an honorary citizen of the city. [10]
But perhaps most interestingly he was given "The Simon Wiesenthal Peace Award" in 1996.The center was named after Simon Wiesenthal, who survived several concentration camps, then spent his life bringing Nazi war criminals to justice and searing the Holocaust into the conscience of the world. It is ...a leading international Jewish human rights organization founded in 1977 by Rabbi Marvin Hier. With 400,000 member families, the SWC confronts anti-Semitism, hate, and terrorism, stands with Israel, defends the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaches the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations. [11]
And that is far from all. Coming across as extremely tolerant and compassionate - a man of peace and a human rights activist He has wide appeal to the man on the street. An Aug 23, 1999 article in The San Diego Union-Tribune said that the Dalai Lamas "... appearance in New York's Central Park earlier in August drew a crowd of 40,000 people, compared to 5,000 in a visit he made there in 1991. [12]
On April 16, 2004, CBC News Online said "Since he arrived in Canada this weekend, people can't seem to get enough of the smiling monk with the rock star appeal, and it's no secret why. Behind that grin is one of the most influential voices in the world... [13]
Everyone seems caught up in the spell and one can certainly see why. Besides his constant message of peace and inter faith cooperation and the fact that he relates passages relevant to his message from the Sermon on the Mount, the almost always smiling Dalai Lama has a very appealing side and a legendary sense of humor. Ron Gluckman, a reporter who spent three weeks with the Dalai Lama in 1996, tells of a very human side of the man considered a spiritual leader by millions... He is an "incorrigible tinkerer" who was delighted at the discovery of Super Glue" His youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, says one of the Dalai Lama's greatest finds of recent years was super-glue - second, in fact, only to the more recent discovery of super-glue remover. "He was overjoyed when I gave him some," the brother says. "He thought it was a miracle." He still has a Rolex watch given to him by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt -- a credit to his do-it-yourself skills. As a youngster, he amazed and annoyed elders by repairing Tibet's three cars, the legacy of a previous incarnation and then secretly taking one for a spin. That day, the boy king learned the hard way about the need for reliable brakes. He also once took apart and repaired an old film projector, all without any instructions... His sense of humour comes to the fore when he tells why he has two robes.. "I have to have two... even the Dalai Lama does laundry." And referring to his rounded shape, jokes "I think I might be pregnant". [14]
What's not to love? Which makes the next section especially disconcerting.. Two Issues However, one has to wonder why this extremely popular, fêted, and honored man of peace whom so much of the world looks up to and respects counts some highly questionable people among his friends. The list includes more than one inhuman, cold-blooded killer, one who had rabid racist, anti-Semitic views and whose preposterous occult beliefs (esoteric Hitlerism) set forth in his books were, quite frankly, the ravings of someone who should have been certified. To say nothing of one murderous Japanese cult leader,
And that is not all. The Dalai Lama's belief in and teaching on the Kalachakra-Tantra should give any right thinking person pause for thought. Issue One... The Nazis and Nazi Sympathizers
Heinrich Harrer While we cannot know to any degree of certainty what Harrer's level of involvement with the Third Reich was, it is hard to believe he was entirely innocent. Here are the facts An Austrian mountaineer and renowned explorer, Harrer was best known for the years he spent as an adviser, teacher and friend of a young Dalai Lama. He was author of Seven Years in Tibet... a chronicle of his experience with the Dalai Lama over the seven years prior to his exile to India. Seven Years in Tibet was eulogized by Hollywood in a movie of the same name starring Brad Pitt. Harrer also wrote more than 20 books about his adventures, some that include photographs considered to be among the best evidence of traditional Tibetan culture. He made about 40 documentary films and founded a museum about Tibet in Austria.
Harrer is said to have been "... confidant and informal tutor to the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Harrer was afforded access to ceremonies and customs that had been rarely witnessed by Westerners"... and "was one of the recipients of the International Campaign for Tibet's Light of Truth Award for 2002, presented to Harrer by the Dalai Lama on October 15, 2002 in Graz, Austria. He was honored for his unparalleled mobilization of concern and sympathy for the people of Tibet... " Heinrich Harrer and the exiled Dalai Lama remained steadfast friends until Harrers death on January 7, 2006". [15]
But this is not simply a touching story of a long lasting friendship between people from widely diverse worlds. What makes this story particularly bizarre is the fact that Heinrich Harrer was a Nazi escapee from British prisoner of war camp in India. In his younger days Harrer was a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA, storm troopers) the infamous "brown shirts" that functioned as a paramilitary organization of the NSDAP – the German Nazi party, and were illegal in Austria at the time. They played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s. He also joined the SS where he held the rank of Oberscharführer (Sergeant) when Austria was annexed by the German regime in March 1938. Harrer first made his mark in mountaineering on July 24, 1938 as a member of a German-Austrian team that became the first to conquer the sheer 5,900 foot northern face of Switzerland's Mount Eiger. After the first ascent of the Eige he was photographed with Adolf Hitler in Breslau (Wroclaw). Source: Der Spiegel, No. 45, 3 Nov 1997, p. 146. Harrer is second from the left in the photograph o n the right. The following year he, as part of a German Nazi team, failed to reach the summit of Nanga Parbat - a mountain in Kashmir. The group that included Peter Aufschnaiter another Austrian mountaineer and member of the Nazi party, was arrested by British forces in September 1939, days after the beginning of World War II. Harrer and Aufschnaiter escaped in 1944 after several failed attempts and managed to make their way to Tibet reaching Lhasa in February 1946,
But it was not until nearly 60 years later that Harrer confirmed media reports he had been a member of the Nazi Party and after meeting Hitler was made an officer (thanks to the Eiger feat) in the feared Schutzstaffel paramilitary regiment Mr. Harrer told the Austria Press Agency in June 1997 that he had a "clear conscience" and that his role in the Nazi organization simply involved preparing for the Kashmir expedition. [16] He also said "from today's view, the former party and SS membership is an extremely unpleasant thing." He repudiated his Nazi membership as a "stupid mistake" and an "ideological error." [17]
As said earlier - whether or not Harrer was aware of or had any part to play in Hitler's "final Solution" is something we will probably never know however, there is no doubt about Bruno Berger's involvement. Bruno Berger Berger who died in 2009 was on the personal staff of SS Heinrich Himmler, key architect of the Holocaust.
Berger was a German Racial anthropologist who worked for the Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage Organization) - a branch of the SS that served as the organization's "Ancestral Heritage" office. The Ahnenerbe was Himmler's pet project, established to trace the heritage of the "master race" back to its origins. It was to this end that, in 1938, Himmler sent five SS officers on an expedition to Tibet - the main players being Ernst Schäfer, a respected scientist who served as the expeditions leader and Bruno Berger, who served as the teams anthropologist. Berger's behavior was particularly appalling. He used various devices to measure the skulls of local residents for signs of Aryan ancestry. I believe the following is an excerpt from a book by Christopher Hale entitled Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the Aryan Race. At the time, "the country was being run by a regent to the Dalai Lama, who became a close friend of Schäfer. Hale reports that, "Schäfer’s diaries show that he was able to meet the Regent at almost any time and to spend two or three hours in his company.” Schäfer invited the regent to fly to Germany to meet with Hitler. The trip never materialized, but the regent sent a letter and some gifts to Hitler, asking to "improve the friendly tie of relationship between the two nations. [18]
More information and pictures HERE The following information is from the Jewish Virtual Library In 1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer Prof. Dr. August Hirt, chairman of the anatomy department at the Reich University in Strassbourg, set about assembling a collection of Jewish skeletons under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe Foundation. To this end, he received permission from Himmler to select the required number of prisoners at Auschwitz. The selection of 115 persons (79 Jewish men, 30 Jewish women, 2 Poles, and 4 "Asians" — probably Soviet POWs) and the preliminary preparation, consisting of biometrical measurements and the collection of personal data, were carried out by Hirt's collaborator, SS-Hauptsturmführer Dr. Bruno Beger, who arrived in Auschwitz in the first half of 1943. Berger finished his work by June 15, 1943. After going through quarantine, some of the prisoners whom Berger selected were sent in July and early August to Natzweiler-Struthof, where they were killed in the gas chamber. The victims' corpses were sent to Hirt as material for his skeleton collection, which was intended for use in anthropological studies that would demonstrate the superiority of the Nordic race. [19]
In other words, Berger assignment was to provide the Nazi doctor with detainees of diverse ethnic types from various concentration camps in order to serve Hirt's lethal racial experiments. Berger claimed that he was unaware the Auschwitz prisoners he measured were to be killed. However, the Dalai Lama was born in 1935 - only a child at the time of Auschwitz. The problem is by the time the photograph above of him and a much older Bruno Berger was taken, the Dalai Lama had to be aware of Berger's hideous, past. Miguel Serrano: Miguel Serrano was a Chilean diplomat, a leader of the National Socialist Party of Chile, and chief proponent of 'esoteric Hitlerism'. He became a prominent organizer in the Chilean neo-Nazi movement, holding annual celebrations of Hitler's birthday, organising a neo-Nazi rally in Santiago and producing a neo-Nazi political manifesto. He wrote a trilogy of books on Hitler in which he outlined his view of the Nazi leader as an avatar. The word usually means 'an incarnation of a Hindu god - particularly Vishnu'
Otto Skorzeny. He associated with Nazis who had fed to South America, including Otto Skorzeny the SS officer who organized the notorious "Ratline" smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Germany. Skorzeny was famous for rescuing captured Benito Mussolini in 1943. A year later he played a leading part in the roundup and torture of anti-Hitler conspirators after the failure of the July 20 assassination plot. He eventually escaped from Darmstadt prison and spent his remaining years in Spain. Walter Rauff was a mid-ranking SS commander in Nazi Germany thought to have been responsible for nearly 100,000 deaths during World War II. He was instrumental in the implementation of the Nazis' genocide by mobile gas chamber. His victims included Communists, Jews, Romans and people with disabilities. He was arrested in 1945, but subsequently escaped and was never brought to trial. In the late 1970s and the 1980s, he was arguably the most wanted Nazi fugitive still alive. At his funeral Serrano along with two other men made the Nazi salute and shouted "Heil Hitler! Heil Walter Rauff!" Serrano told reporters present - "It is not true that Walter Rauff created the mobile gas chambers," and "the so-called Holocaust is indeed a Jewish disguise for taking over the world." [20]
Serrano believed that the Aryans were image bearers of the Godhead, and the Jews who conspired against them, worshipers of "an evil inferior godlet" that spawned "primitive hominids". Adolf Hitler was an avatar who battled against these demons. In 1984 he published a 643-page tome Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar) which was Part two of his 'Hitler Trilogy' dedicated "To the glory of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. Serrano's views were expounded in 1978 in his book El Cordón Dorado: Hitlerismo Esotérico (The Golden Cord: Esoteric Hitlerism) that pretty much that elevated Hitler to a god-like status. Briefly speaking, the text claims the existence of a spiritual continuity – a Golden Thread – between diverse historical groups that allegedly stood in opposition to Judeo-Christianity, such as Cathars, Rosicrucians, Templars, and Nazis. Likewise, it alleges that World War II was in truth a "cosmic war" in which two opposite "Archetypes" clashed, one belonging to the Aryan peoples and the other to Jews (Serrano 2017a, 6–7). He offered an alternative ancient history of Jews and denied the Holocaust. In the book, he defended the existence of "a Principle of Evil acting upon creation," a principle he sees embodied in "the Jewish Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Demiurge of this Earth" (2017a, 172). And "With relation to those 'tremendous acts' judged at Nuremberg," he asserted "it is necessary to say once and for all that this matter of the six million Jews that were made disappear in th e crematory oven is one of the greatest farces in the history of humanity" (Serrano 2017a, 258). [20]
In spite of all of the above and plenty more the Dalai Lama maintained a close personal friendship with Miguel Serrano. When the Dalai Lama visited Chile in 1992, he was greeted at the airport by Serrano who claimed to have met the Dalai Lama at Indira Gandhi's funeral in Delhi. "He was very young, 25 years old. I went to meet him at the Himalayas. he never forgets that and when we met again during the funeral of Indira Gandhi in Delhi. He invited me to go to Dharamsala, where he lives now. We had a very interesting talk. It is good to know that before Buddhism was introduced in Tibet. Tibetans were a warriors race and their religion, the Bo, used also the same swastika of Hitlerism. Until today Intelligence Services of England and United States have been unable to discover the real mysterious links that existed between Tibet and Hitlerist Germany. [21]
There is much more information on Serrano on Wikipedia and some very telling photographs HERE Jorg Haider In 2006 and 2007, the Dalai Lama publicly gave Jorg Haider his blessings with a ceremonial white scarf (Katag).
Haider was a populist right wing Austrian politician notorious for his xenophobia and alleged Nazi sympathies
Haider had been the leader of the Far-Right Austrian Freedom Party (FPO¨), and known for publicly airing his appreciation of the policies of Nazi Germany. So much so that when his party was brought in to form a coalition government in Austria the European Union imposed a diplomatic boycott on Austria because of the FPO¨’s extreme views. [22]
Particularly controversial were the number of statements he made about Hitler and the Nazis. In a speech in 1995, for example, he defended and praised members of the Waffen-SS, calling them "decent people of good character.” He also described Nazi concentration camps as "punishment camps." Still, he maintained that he was not anti-Semitic and that he deplored the Holocaust. Jörg Haider. Austrian politician. [23] And then there was Shoko Asahara: Asahara was leader of the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult, which blended Hindu and Buddhist spirituality with the book of Revelation and the writings of Nostradamus. He claimed to be a reincarnation of the Hindu god Shiva and promised to lead his followers to salvation when Armageddon arrived. The Matsumoto Sarin attack was an attempted assassination perpetrated by members of Aum Shinrikyo in Matsumoto, Japan on the night of June 27, 1994. Eight people were killed and over 500 were harmed by a Sarin aerosol released from a converted refrigerator truck. It is believed that the attack was meant to target three judges who were expected to rule against the cult in a lawsuit concerning a real estate dispute, and to test the efficacy of its Sarin (that the cult was manufacturing at one of its facilities) as a weapon of mass murder Nine months later (in 1995) they master minded the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway. After exhausting all his appeals Shoko Asahar was put to death on July 6, 2018. Eleven other members of his cult were also sentenced to death. Shoko Asahara was greatly influenced by Buddhism (particularly Tantric Buddhism) and meditated with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. However, that was not all According to the German magazine, Stern, they had met five times since 1987 (Stern 36/95, p. 126). Amazingly, weeks after the first poison gas attack, His Holiness still called the guru a "friend, although not necessarily a perfect one" (Stern 36/95, p. 126). Then a document from 1989 came to light in which the Kundun thanked the AUM sect for donations and confirmed that they "encouraged public awareness through religious and social activities" (Focus 38/95, p. 114). On January 21, 1989 Asahara had sent the sum of $100,000 to Dharamsala for the assistance of Tibetan refugees.
And there is more. A LOT more. See The Japanese Doomsday Guru Shoko Asahara And The Xiv. Dalai Lama HERE Issue Two - Beliefs and Teachings The Kalachakra Prophecies Vs. The Man of Peace
The Dalai Lama is Universally Known For His Messages of Peace. As already stated the Dalai Lama is almost universally known as a "man of peace". Not only have numerous western universities and institutions have conferred Peace Awards and honorary Doctorate Degree (Above) in recognition of his distinguished leadership in the service of freedom and peace, but he was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. Their web site quotes him as saying, Because we all share this small planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature. That is not just a dream, but a necessity. [24]
The site also mentions that at an inter-faith service in his honour by the World Congress of Faiths in 1981, the Dalai Lama focused on the commonality of faiths and the need for unity among different religions, "I always believe that it is much better to have a variety of religions, a variety of philosophies, rather than one single religion or philosophy. This is necessary because of the different mental dispositions of each human being. Each religion has certain unique ideas or techniques, and learning about them can only enrich one's own faith." [25]
Additionally, the Kalachakra Stupa in The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in Bloomington, Indiana (See Footnote I) was dedicated by the Dalai Lama in 1999 as a symbol of world peace and the shrine room contains sacred objects from a variety of other faiths. The center was founded by the Dalai Lama's eldest brother in 1979. Man of Science? Although the page no longer exists, Time Magazine once wrote (Emphasis Added) "Though he is a spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama also holds a doctorate in philosophy. He rejects anything that has been disproved by scientific inquiry and dismisses Buddhist teachings not verified by science". [26]
So how does all of this tie in with the not so peaceful Kalachakra prophecies that are part of the initiation into the Kalachakra Tantra initiation ceremonies that the Dalai Lama has conducted all over the world drawing in thousands of people. But I suspect I am getting ahead of myself. We need to first understand more about the mythical kingdom of Shambhala. What and Where is Shambhala? Shambhala (also spelled Shambala or Shamballa) is a Sanskrit term meaning place of peace/tranquility/happiness. It was part of the inspiration for the tale of Shangri-La in the popular book Lost Horizon, a 1933 novel by James Hilton. However, in Tibetan Buddhist tradition Shambhala is said to exist simultaneously in the material, psychic and spiritual dimensions thus has three meanings. As said by Victor & Victoria Trimondi
Externally, Shambhala was a geographic location, hidden somewhere beyond the snowpeaks of the Himalayas, a seat of inspiration where the Buddha is said to have taught the Kalachakra Tantra ... the Tantra of the Wheel of Time. However Shambhala is also a spiritual empire, "invisible to ordinary mortal eyes and whose borders can only be crossed by those who have been initiated into the secret teachings of the Kalachakra Tantra". [27]
Note: Victor and Victoria Trimondi are pen names used by Mariana and Herbert Röttgen who were once the Dalai Lama's followers. In fact, Herbert Röttgen was a personal friend who published a number of the Dalai Lamas books and organized several symposia and major events for him. By definition Shambhala is hidden. It is thought to exist somewhere between the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas, but it is protected by a psychic barrier so that no one can find the kingdom who is not meant to. Tibetan lamas spend a great deal of their lives in spiritual development before attempting the journey to Shambhala ... There are guidebooks to Shambhala, but they describe the route in terms so vague that only those already initiated into the teachings of the Kalachakra can understand them. [28]
During the 1985 Kalachakra Initiation (below) in Bodhgaya the Dalai Lama noted that Shambhala is not an ordinary country: "Although those with special affiliation may actually be able to go there through their karmic connection, nevertheless it is not a physical place that we can actually find. We can only say that it is a pure land, a pure land in the human realm. And unless one has the merit and the actual karmic association, one cannot actually arrive there." [29]
The Kalachakra Practice, Initiations And Prophecies Tantras are the esoteric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism that developed on the Indian subcontinent from the middle of the 1st millennium CE onward. (Esoteric - restricted to or intended for an enlightened or initiated minority)
The Kalachakra (Wheel of Time Tantra) is one of the most complex systems within Tantric Buddhism and, according to some Buddhist masters, the most advanced form of Vajrayana (the Tibetan branch of Buddhist tradition) practice. It is said to be an abridged form of an original text, the Kalachakra Mulatantra which is no longer extant. The Dalai Lamas have had specific interest in the Kalachakra practice, particularly the First, Second, Seventh, Eighth, and the current (Fourteenth) Dalai Lamas who has conducted some thirty Kalachakra initiations all over the world. Billed as the "Kalachakra for World Peace," the initiations given on the basis of a mandala draw tens of thousands of people. (See Footnote I for an example). More about Mandalas in Footnote II "Over the last 25 years thousands of people worldwide have been initiated into the highest levels of Buddhism by the 14th Dalai Lama. Fundamental to this initiation is a holy text (tantra), namely the Kalachakra-Tantra, part of which is the Shambhala Myth". [30]
The Shambhala or Kalachakra Prophecy, believed to be the source of legends of a future messiah in all religions, very specifically foretells that when the world declines into war and greed and all is lost, the 25th Kalki king will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish "Dark Forces" and usher in a worldwide thousand-year Golden Age. One passage of the Kalachakra (Shri Kalachakra I. 161) reads, "The Chakravartin shall come out at the end of the age, from the city the gods fashioned on Mount Kailasa. He shall smite the barbarians in battle with his own four-division army, on the entire surface of the earth." He shall smite the barbarians in battle with his own four-division army, on the entire surface of the earth."
They ask why a "man of peace" would prophesy and glorify a "holy war" by Buddhists against non-Buddhists. Questions For The Dalai Lama These contradictory and completely incompatible teachings gave rise to some very pertinent questions put to the Dalai Lama by Victor and Victoria Trimondi. Their book Shadow of the Dalai Lama was published to wide acclaim in Germany in 1999 by the respected Patmos Group. It is highly critical of the Dalai Lama and the religious system he presides over. Although it hasn't been published in English, a translation can be found at the authors website, trimondi.de. Here are three of the eight questions they put to the 14th Dalai Lama on the topic of the Kalachakra-Tantra. (As in the original.. the basic question is asked in bold and then expanded upon. However, all underlining is mine).
In view of the fact that "The historical Buddha was against war in every form and that for him there was no such thing as a righteous or holy war", they ask "Why does the Kalachakra-Tantra which supposedly is a "ritual for world peace" prophesy and glorify a "holy war" (Shambhala war) by Buddhists against non-Buddhists? Dalai Lama, you are honoured throughout the world as a messenger for peace, who has spoken out publicly many times against every use of violence and, in fact, you have presented the Kalachakra-Tantra as a contributor to world peace. The Kalachakra-Tantra is, however, anything but pacifist in its content, rather it prophecies and promotes on an ideological basis a bloody religious war for world leadership between Buddhists and non-Buddhists (Shambhala Myth). The original text describes the Buddhist war-methods as "merciless" and "cruel". It says: "The supremely ferocious warriors will throw down the barbarian hordes" and "eliminate" (them). (Shri Kalachakra I. 163/165) The Kalachakra Tantra describes over many paragraphs murderous super weapons which the Buddhist army will use against "the enemy of the Dharma". (Shri Kalachakra I. 128-142)"
Note: Dharma is generally translated into English as law. As an Indian spiritual and religious term it means one's righteous duty, or any virtuous path in the common sense of the term. In Indian languages it contextually implies one's religion. The second question relates to other religions "Why does the Kalachakra-Tantra, which is supposedly a contributor to a world ecumenical movement and a world ethos, attack the 3 monotheist-semitic religions, especially Islam, named as the enemy of Dharma, and swear a religious war against Islam? Dalai Lama, one of your basic demands is tolerance of other religions and this has made you to the most famous symbol of the inter-religious dialogue. This is in conflict, however, with many passages in the Kalachakra-Tantral – even though you have publicly promoted this ritual as a contributor to ecumenical thinking. Some of the main figures in the semitic-monotheist religions such as "Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mani, Mohammed and the Mahdi" are characterised as the "family of the demonic snakes" and are attributed with characteristics of darkness and deceit. (Shri Kalachakra I. 154)" [Emphasis Added]
The third questions the concept of a 'World Ruler'. Why does the Kalachakra-Tantra promote the institution of a "Chakravartin" (a world emperor) who should set up a global Buddhist "Theocracy", a buddhocracy - this in direct conflict to your continual protestations of a belief in democracy? The Kalachakra-Tantra includes the buddhocratic teaching of a Chakravartin or world emperor. "The Chakravartin shall come out at the end of the age, from the city the gods fashioned on Mount Kailasa. He shall smite the barbarians in battle with his own four-division army, on the entire surface of the earth." This statement can be found in the original text of the Kalachakra-Tantra (Shri Kalachakra I. 161). A Chakravartin is, according to the Indian tradition, a messianic priest-king who brings absolution, a "theocrat" (better "buddhocrat") who unites religious, political, legal and military power in himself. Sharing of power by the common man and democracy are completely unknown concepts in this political theology which stems from the 10th century.
There were also other questions asked.. about the sexual abuse of women and the forbidding of the public discussion of the secret rites of the Kalachakra-Tantra on pain of "the punishments of hell" For much more see the authors site. HERE The Maitreya Additionally the Dalai Lama also believes in the Maitreya or future Buddha who will emerge as a world leader and teacher.
In Buddhist eschatology the Maitreya is a future Buddha of this world. He is "a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana) and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about an actual event that will take place in the distant future". Share International, which equates Maitreya with the prophesied figures of multiple religious traditions, claims that he is already present in the world, but is preparing to make an open declaration of his presence in the near future. They claim that he is here to inspire mankind to create a new era based on sharing and justice. Since the beginning of the 1930s, the Ascended Master Teachings have placed Maitreya in the "Office" of "World Teacher" until 1956, when he was described as moving on to the "Office" of "Planetary Buddha" and "Cosmic Christ" in their concept of a Spiritual Hierarchy. [31]
Also See Benjamin Creme and The Maitreya Note: Although Benjamin Crème ran around the world portraying the Maitreya as a great and wise teacher, some legends equate the Maitreya with Kalki - the doomsday avatar of Vishnu. Certainly there are those who believe that this Maitreya is not as friendly as Crème makes him out to be. Alice Bailey and her followers at the Lucis Trust have repeatedly praised revolutions and dictatorships, approving them as part of the workings of "the Plan." In September 1939, she said, "The men who inspired the initiating French revolution; the great conqueror, Napoleon; Bismarck, creator of a nation; Mussolini, the regenerator of his people; Hitler who lifted a distressed people upon his shoulders; Lenin, the idealist, Stalin and Franco" were "all expressions of the Shamballa force" - a force which Bailey extolled. [32] In an address at the Arcane School Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Bailey suggested that the "Shamballa force", the force from the invisible dimensions led by the Lord Maitreya will be "destructive." It will also, she said, eject unbelievers from the earth: "The decision to release the Shamballa force during this century into direct contact with the human kingdom is one of the final and most compelling acts of preparation for the New Age. The Shamballa force is destructive and ejective ... inspiring new understanding of The Plan.. It is this force ... which will bring about that tremendous crisis, the initiation of the race into the mysteries of the ages. [33] [More On Alice Bailey and The Lucis Trust]
Sanat Kumara Sanat Kumara is an "Advanced Being" the head of Shambhala, the retreat of the Ascended Masters believed to be in the etheric of the Gobi Desert. According to some of the teachings derived from modern Theosophy, Sanat Kumara is the Lord or Regent of Earth and of humanity. It is believed by some that he is the founder of the Great White Brotherhood, which is composed of Ascended Masters and volunteers from other worlds who have joined together to advance spiritual evolution on Earth.
Helena Blavatsky claimed he belonged to a group of beings, the Lords of Flame, whom Christian tradition have "misunderstood" as Lucifer and the fallen angels. [34]
Church Universal and Triumphant believes he is the Ancient of Days spoken of in Daniel 7:9, 13 (Are they ever in for a shock) and that he and 144,000 souls of Light volunteered to keep the flame of Life on behalf of Earth's people, until the children of God turned once again to serve the Mighty I AM Presence. The first to respond to his flame was Gautama Buddha, followed by Lord Maitreya and Jesus. Interestingly the most common title attributed to Sanat Kumara in the Theosophical religious tradition is "Lord of the World" Hopefully, every Christian knows that 2 Corinthians 4:4 refers to Satan as the "God of this world" who has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel. Which is hardly surprising considering that "Sanat" is an anagram for Satan, All of which brings us to one other issue that cements the demonic roots of the Dalai Lama's religion. The Dalai Lama and Nechung - The State Oracle of Tibet From the website of the Nechung Buddhist Center,
"Like many ancient civilizations of the world, the phenomenon of oracles remains an important part of the Tibetan way of life. Tibetans rely on oracles for various reasons. The purpose of the oracles is not just to foretell the future. They are called upon as protectors and sometimes used as healers. However, their primary function is to protect the Buddha Dharma and its practitioners. In the Tibetan tradition, the word oracle is used for a spirit which enters those men and women who act as mediums between the natural and the spiritual realms. The mediums are, therefore, known as kuten, which literally means, "the physical basis." In early times it is believed that there were hundreds of oracles throughout Tibet. Today, only a few survive, including those consulted by the Tibetan government. Of these, the principal one is the Nechung oracle. [35]
Nechung monastery four miles west of Lhasa was responsible for keeping intact a daily link with Tibet's main spirit Protector, Pehar Gyalpo. It was however, was one of the approximately 6000 monasteries destroyed when the Chinese invaded Tibet in 1949. However, six monks from Nechung Monastery survived the Chinese Cultural Revolution and preserved the monastery's complex rituals and tradition. Nechung was rebuilt in Dharamsala, India and currently is home to about seventy monks including the present Medium of the State Oracle, Thupten Ngodup. The Nechungs Oracle (or Kuten as he is called in Tibetan) has traditionally been one of the main advisors to the Dalai Lama. (Upon the death of the Dalai Lama the oracle is immediately consulted about where the Dalai Lama is going to reincarnate and where the search party should begin looking). According to The Nechung Buddhist Center, in his autobiography Freedom in Exile the Dalai Lama wrote, "For hundreds of years now, it has been traditional for the Dalai Lama, and the Government, to consult Nechung during the New Year festivals. In addition, he might well be called upon at other times if either have specific queries. I myself have dealings with him several times a year This may sound far-fetched to twentieth-century western readers. Even some Tibetans, mostly those who consider themselves 'progressive', have misgivings about my continued use of this ancient method of intelligence gathering. But I do so for the simple reason that as I look back over the many occasions when I have asked questions of the oracle, on each one of them time has proved that his answer was correct. This is not to say that I rely solely on the oracle's advice. I do not. I seek his opinion in the same way as I seek the opinion of my Cabinet and just as 1 seek the opinion of my own conscience. I consider the gods to be my 'upper house'. The Kashag constitutes my lower house". [36]
He describes the garb worn by the Nechung on formal occasions, which "weighs more than seventy pounds and the medium when not in trance, can hardly walk in it", and the ceremony which "begins with chanted invocations and prayers, accompanied by the urgings of horns, cymbals and drums". Then... "... as the first prayer cycle concludes and the second begins, his trance begins to deepen. ... "Now the kuten's face transforms, becoming rather wild before puffing up to give him an altogether strange appearance, with bulging eyes and swollen cheeks. His breathing begins to shorten and he starts to hiss violently. Then, momentarily, his respiration stops. At this point the helmet is tied in place with a knot so tight that it would undoubtedly strangle the Kuten if something very real were not happening. The possession is now complete and the mortal frame of the medium expands visibly. "Next, he leaps up with a start and, grabbing a ritual sword from one of his attendants, begins to dance with slow, dignified, yet somehow menacing, steps. He then comes in front of me and either prostrates fully or bows deeply from the waist until his helmet touches the ground before springing back up, the weight of his regalia counting for nothing. The volcanic energy of the deity can barely be contained within the earthly frailty of the kuten, who moves and gestures as if his body were made of rubber and driven by a coiled spring of enormous power". "As soon as Dorje Drakden has finished speaking, the Kuten makes a final offering before collapsing, a rigid and lifeless form, signifying the end of the possession. Simultaneously, the knot holding his helmet in place is untied in a great hurry by his assistants, who then carry him out to recover whilst the ceremony continues." [37]
Possession is twice mentioned in the above account. The million dollar question is possession by what or who? Summary On the one hand, traveling the world, the Dalai Lama preaches a message of peace, compassion and interfaith cooperation. He has met with countless heads of state and religious leaders in numerous countries. He has great influence and commands a great deal of respect and has been given numerous awards including one from a holocaust survivor foundation..
On the other hand he counts among his friends and acquaintances at least two Nazis, one murderous Japanese cult leader, a dangerous Chilean lunatic who was not only a Nazi Sympathizer and collaborator, but claimed to have been in astral contact with Hitler. The Dalai Lama regularly consults the Nechung Oracle in ceremonies during which the oracle goes into a trance and his face transforms and becomes "rather wild", puffs up with "with bulging eyes and swollen cheeks" and he starts to hiss violently. He also has initiated thousands of people into the Kalachakra initiation, part of which is the Shambhala myth which prophecies and promotes, on an ideological basis, a "holy war" (Shambhala war) by Buddhists against non-Buddhists, in which "supremely ferocious warriors will throw down the barbarian hordes" and "eliminate" them. The Kalachakra texts say that the 25th Kalki king will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish "Dark Forces" and usher in a worldwide thousand-year Golden Age. And who are these Dark Forces? Shri Kalachakra I. 154 says "Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mani, Mohammed and the Mahdi" are characterized as the "family of the demonic snakes" Additionally, the Dalai Lama believes in and teaches on the coming of the Maitreya Buddha. The concept of a coming World Teacher (Maitreya) who sets up a Golden Age on earth can be found in many world religious systems as well as in the literature of the occult. Some talk of the Ascended Masters, while others look For the coming of the Maitreya, who is"prepares the way" for this "Lord of the World" - "Sanat Kumara". Some Muslims look to the coming of Imam Mahdi or The 12th Imam, whom Shiites believe will reappear when the world has become full of oppression and tyranny. Even some South American cultures look to the return of the serpent god Quetzalcoatl.
And who is this world leader and teacher? Although he is called by different names there is little doubt that all traditions refer to the same being.. The one the Bible warned us about thousands of years ago.. The man of sin, the son of perdition "who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 NASB), and whom the "Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming" (2 Thessalonians 2:8 NASB) The antichrist! Conclusion One would certainly hope that any one who has carefully read this article would realize that there is something going on that is completely contrary to the picture almost universally painted of this very popular man.
I suspect (but do not know) a clue as to why a so called "man of peace" has been on such good terms with the loathsome criminals mentioned above is to be found in something Miguel Serrano said about his initial meeting with the Dalai Lama. He invited me to go to Dharamsala, where he lives now. We had a very interesting talk. It is good to know that before Buddhism was introduced in Tibet. Tibetans were a warriors race and their religion, the Bo, used also the same swastika of Hitlerism. Until today Intelligence Services of England and United States have been unable to discover the real mysterious links that existed between Tibet and Hitlerist Germany
Does the Dalai Lama consider consider these links (whether real or imaginary) to have some connection with the Kalachakra prophecies? As respected as he is, not many people will believe that the Dalai Lama has anything to do with evil, yet we greatly fear that the Dalai Lama is one of those sent to smooth the way for "he whose coming is after the working of Satan". And what a superb job he is doing.. And, as usual, the vast majority of the church is asleep. The archbishops of the Anglican church meet often with the Dalai Lama and emerging apostates Doug Pagitt and Rob Bell attended his 2008 Seeds of Compassion interfaith meeting and even addressing the Dalai Lama as "his holiness." Foot Note I - The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in Bloomington, Indiana
was founded by the Dalai Lama's eldest brother brother, retired Indiana University professor Thubten Norbu and former Abbot of Kumbum Monastery in Amdo, Tibet. He escaped Tibet in 1950 and, after being granted political asylum by President Harry Truman, became a professor of Tibetan Studies at Indiana University and eventually gave up his monastic vows and married. Thubten Norbu established what is now the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in1979 that, over the years, has grown to include nearly a dozen buildings on 108 wooded acres in the southwest corner of Bloomington. 
There are two tall stupas on the complex. (A Stupa is a domed edifice housing Buddhist or Jain relics. It is one of the oldest icons of Buddhist art designed with deep symbolism. and said to be the forerunner of the pagoda). "The Jangchub Chorten, was dedicated by the Dalai Lama in 1987 in memory of all who have lost their lives in the fight for freedom, and the millions of Tibetans who have died since the Chinese invasion. The stupa was constructed to very precise specifications and filled in the traditional way with tens of thousands of tsa-tsas (miniature replicas of a stupa containing relics of the Buddha and mantra scrolls. The Kalachakra Stupa, was dedicated by the Dalai Lama in 1999 as a symbol of world peace. [38]
The Shrine Room: In keeping with the temple's interfaith mission, in addition to Buddhist statues, ornamentation and iconography, the shrine room also contains sacred objects from a variety of other faiths, from a Koran and Jewish shofar to an Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Members of eleven traditions helped consecrate the temple in 2003: Roman Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Society of Friends, Bahai, Jewish, Hindu, Shinto, Sikh, Unitarian, and Native American. Muhammed Ali, a Muslim, was a special guest who co-hosted the ceremony with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. [39] It is no wonder that Bloomington, Indiana was the scene of the August 99, eight-day Buddhist ritual ... the fourth Kalachakra initiation to be held in the US. In an article entitled Occultism in the Heartland: Speaking the Message of Interfaithism, Gary Kah the former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana state government.reports.. "Drawing thousands from around the world, the "Kalachakra" was a multi-day Buddhist event. It contained "Earth Rituals" and an "Earth Ritual Dance," prayer presentations, Buddhist lectures and teachings, ritual offering dances, ceremonies, student initiations, and times of meditation for healing and harmony. The Kalachakra is not just one ritual, but a series of initiations, ceremonies, and Buddhist religious functions... . ... To aid in the Bloomington, Indiana event, a new three-story shrine was constructed, as well as numerous outbuildings and facilities for housing the many visiting lama's. The Tibetan Cultural Center in Bloomington, which is presided over by the Dalai Lama's brother, shipped in a 1,000 pound three-dimensional "Kalachakra mandala" from India which replicated the palace of Kalachakra. [40]
Footnote II - Mandalas Perhaps the most admired and discussed symbol of Buddhist religion and art is the mandala (Sanskrit: "circle" ) but are Mandalas any more than intricate works of art? According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica
Mandala, in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism, a symbolic diagram used in the performance of sacred rites and as an instrument of meditation. The mandala is basically a representation of the universe, a consecrated area that serves as a receptacle for the gods and as a collection point of universal forces. [41]
Mandalas are "explicitly based on the Scriptural texts... There is good reason for the extreme degree of care and attention that the monks put into their work: they are actually imparting the Buddha's teachings. Since the mandala contains instructions by the Buddha for attaining enlightenment, the purity of their motivation and the perfection of their work allows viewers the maximum benefit". [42] "All monks at Tibetan Buddhist monasteries are required to learn how to construct mandalas as part of their training. The learning process is two-fold, including the memorization of texts that specify the names, lengths, and positions of the primary lines that define the basic structure of mandalas, as well as the manual techniques of drawing and pouring sand. These texts, however, do not describe every line, nor every detail of each mandala, but rather serve as mnemonic guides to the complete forms of mandalas that must be learned from the repeated practice of construction under the guidance of experienced monks". [43] End Notes All URLs accessed March 2023
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