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    The World is Filled With Millions of People Most Of Whom Are Dangerously Wrong About Spiritual Matters.

Man has made tremendous progress in so many fields ... unprecedented leaps in medical and scientific technology has put men on the moon, cloned animals, and unraveled the mysteries of DNA. We can instantly communicate across the globe. The influence of computers is as universal as the equating of personal happiness with education, a comfortable income, and material possessions. Foreign travel, the arts, high culture and, for some of us, a little ‘church’ (fire insurance?) doesn’t hurt either. We are obsessed with self, largely living a trivial life with a trivial world view. Taking the path of least resistance has never been so popular.

However our shallow, self-centered lifestyles have only exemplified the barrenness of our souls.

“everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun”.

Although we spend countless hours looking upwards, we are so totally occupied with our efforts to unravel the mysteries of the solar system that we fail to see the blazing meteor bearing down on us. We walk sandy beaches so absorbed in our immediate surroundings that we neglect to see the enormity of the tidal wave that will soon engulf us.

We Are As Dumb, And As Dead, And As Damned, As We Ever Were...

And Almost Out Of Time!!!
